Thursday, December 17, 2015

To the Wonderful Young Men in my Life:

So since I talked to the girls yesterday, I wanted to write a letter to the wonderful young men in my life.  Although being a girl is tough, being a guy is tough too. SO…..

To the wonderful young men in my life:
You guys are great and I am so grateful to have you guys in my life.  You are wonderful human beings whom I love a lot.  You guys are basically my brothers, because let's be honest…you keep me straight half the time.  Well first things first, I wanted to tell you I’m sorry.  I’m sorry you are bombarded with temptation everyday.  I’m sorry society tells you that you have to do so many things that aren’t okay to be “hot” and to “get the girls.” I’m sorry the media portrays women to be sexual objects, which distorts the image of a healthy relationship in your head.  I’m sorry that people call you “gay” if you aren’t into sports or are into different things than what society depicts as typical manly activities.  I’m sorry that if you’re a jock, people make you feel like you can’t be smart or can’t do things like choir.  I’m sorry that people stereotype you almost as much as they do girls.  I’m sorry society makes you feel like you can’t show your emotions because it is viewed as “weak,” and I’m sorry you can’t be giving and loving without undergoing criticism. 
I pray for each one of you daily.  I pray God will lead you down the right paths and help you overcome the temptations of life.  I pray you will develop into a man who loves and peruses God with all your heart.  I pray God will put an amazing woman of God in your life that will support and love you just as much as you support and love her (and if she doesn’t, let me know so I can take care of it).  And above all, I pray you will achieve all your dreams and not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.  I pray you will be generous, kind, patient, and wise as you pursue life.
Lastly, I want to thank you.  I want to thank you for being the brothers I never had.  I want to thank you for Dad arming me when you have to stop quickly when I am riding in the car with you.  I want to thank you for always being there for me when I need something.  I want to thank you for helping me put oil in my car and teaching me how to play tennis (even though I was really bad at it).  I want to thank you for going out to eat with me (and occasionally paying) and for holding doors open for me.  I want to thank you for telling me when I look beautiful, but also telling me when I look like complete crap. I want to thank you for putting up with my fiftylevenbillion texts (I mean really who is actually afraid to double text??) and not killing me even when I am being super annoying and hyper. I want to thank you for putting up with me being overly emotional, easily offended, and sometime s extremely sassy. I want to thank you for having my back in every situation and for teaching me how a young woman should (and sometimes shouldn’t) be treated by a man.  Lastly, thank you for pursuing God, and thank you for loving me.

You’re the Best,

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