Thursday, December 17, 2015

This Ones for the GIrls

So today I really want to talk specifically to the girls out there.  Being a girl is tough.  I mean I know being a guy can be hard to, but being a girl is really really tough sometimes.  I feel like girls can be some of the most brutal people on the planet, to themselves and to others.  I know, as a girl, we are constantly being bombarded by images of “beauty” and images of “perfection,” or what the world views as beauty and perfection.  We are constantly being told, “If you could only lose 10 more pounds you would be perfect” or “If you would only be a little quieter and not speak your mind as much the boys would like you.”  It’s unfair.  It is so unfair.  When did perfection become a number on a scale, or having to fit a certain mold?  When did beauty become how others view you.  I know it’s hard. I know it’s hard to be constantly told you aren’t good enough, but you are.  You are perfect. You are beautiful enough, pretty enough smart enough, you are enough.  God made you in his image, and anything made in God’s image is more than enough.  You are just as smart as the guy sitting next to you in your biology class, even when your biology teachers tells you that you will never be as smart as him.  You are just as pretty as the beauty queen who attracts all the boys.  Everyone suffers from insecurities, but you have to overcome them.  That personality that people tell you is too big or too small….it is perfect for you.  That number on the scale or SAT or GRE score doesn’t define who you are as a person.  You are beautifully and wonderfully made. You are a woman of God and your worth is innumerable.  So even if people criticize you, or your dream guy doesn’t like you, or you don’t get into your dream college… you are enough.  God has made you for a purpose and is using you in so many ways.  So keep your head high and remember God is using you. God has made you more than enough; he has made you perfect.
She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

Proverbs 31:25

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! I couldn't agree more. It's so unfortunate these are the messages being bombarded on young girls and women. Thank you for sharing an empowering message.
