Thursday, December 31, 2015

Page 365 of 365

HAPPY NEW YEARS…EVE! Sorry it has been such a long time since I have posted, it’s been quite a busy holiday season.  Well friends, today is page 365 in our 365 page book that we like to call 2015. Today is the last day to take advantage of the resolutions and opportunities 2015 has had to offer.  Although today is a last, tomorrow will be the beginning of brand new opportunities’ and chances to make changes in our lives in the coming year. 
Well I just want to take a moment today to reflect on 2015.  In 2015 I graduated high school and started college at a wonderful university.  I lost many friends, but I also gained many friends this year.  I also lost my friend Taylor, but this year she taught me so much about living life to the fullest and what true friendship looks like.  This year I learned to value myself.  I learned that beauty is not determined by a number o the scale, and intelligence isn’t shown by a GPA or a score on the SAT.  I learned that God made me in his image, and that makes me beautifully and wonderfully made.  This year I also realized I deserve more than crap, in the wise words of Christina Yang, “If you want crappy things to stop happening to you, you need to stop expecting crappy things to happen and demand better.”   As a daughter of God, I deserve what God has in store for me, which is better than I could ever imagine.  2015 taught me how to forgive people, no matter how bad they have hurt me, and how my past does not have to determine my future.  The most important thing I learned this year was, no matter what life throws at you, if you trust in God everything will be okay in the end.
 This year has also been full of so many memories I will never forget.  From placing third in the conference in the mile, to graduating high school, to being accepted to Carolina and receiving a full tuition scholarship to Methodist.  I have done things like run in my first college cross country meet, to looking at Christmas lights at midnight in the middle of finals week (sorry Mom).  All of these memories have shaped and formed me into the person I have become.  I’ve learned how to be a leader, I’ve learned how to love others, and I’ve learned how to trust God.
God has also done amazing things in my life in 2015.  Not as much at the beginning as he has toward the end.  Anyone who knows me knows I have really dove into my faith within the last 4 months.  He has really spoken to me through the stories of Sarah and Abraham and Isaac.  God has been working on helping me become his hands and feet, and teaching me how to serve others with a joyful heart.  God has blessed me and taught me with wonderful friends who have helped me grow in my faith and helped me become hungry for God and his purpose for my life.
As 2015 comes to an end, I have been thinking about what I want in 2015, my goals some will say.  So I think I will share them with you (and maybe you will even help keep me accountable)….
1.     Eat healthier, drink more water, and eat more salt
2.     Go to bed earlier
3.     Exercise at least 5 days a week
4.     Clean out
5.     Accomplish at least 5 bucket list items
6.     Be more supportive and loving to my friends
7.     Go out of my way to help people
8.     Read my bible at least 4 days a week and do a daily devotion (that will help me grow in my faith)
9.     Don’t expect perfection form myself
10. Make myself the right person
11. Love extravagantly
12. Work on my relationships with family members
13. Finish Grey’s Anatomy (I know it’s a silly resolution)
14. Relearn to play the piano and guitar
15. Knit all my friends hats
16. Grow in my relationship with Christ
17. Show Christ in how I live my life
18. Run 13.1 miles
19. Become more patient and forgiving
20. Write a blog post twice a week

I know that is a lot of goals, but I hope to at least accomplish the majority of these.  Well as we journey into 2016, I wish you all the best and hope you accomplish all that you set your mind to.  Stay beautiful friends.

Monday, December 21, 2015

When Words Fail... Music Speaks

Music. Music is said to be the gateway to the heart and the soul.  Personally, I love music. It keeps me alive and keeps me going and inspired.  So because of my love of music (mixed with the fact I’m a Bio major) I decided to take a small survey of my friends on their “life songs”.  This idea came to me after my friend Gabby asked me what my “life song” is.  When I really thought about it, it was really hard for me to pick one song that described where I am in my life right now, so I was curious if any of my friends had the same issue.  When I asked a few of my friends I got everything from seasonal songs, to the latest pop hits, but I also got a lot of “I don’t knows”.  I found the “I don’t know” answers excessively interesting because in today’s society music almost rules over our lives.  We associate certain songs with certain events or certain people, and some people even make monthly play lists that hold reminders of what that month was like (My friends Sarah does this, and I find it pretty awesome).  Music seems to be the thing that can influence every area of our lives.  So, I feel like at most points in our life we can associate a certain song with what we are feeling at that moment, and I think there are points in our lives where we can’t associate music with our lives because we aren’t exactly sure where we are at in that moment of time.  I know personally it was very hard for me to find a song that fit the point I am at in my life because I am at so many cross roads all at once.  I feel like when we can put our life into words, it is hard for music to speak. But when we can’t put our life into words, music does speak.  Music seems to give you the words when you don’t have the words.  When I began really thinking about where I was in my life, I realized I couldn’t put my life into words, which helped me realize there is a song that describes my life right now.  That song is “I Lived” done by the BYU Vocal Point.  That song spoke to me about never taking a single moment in life for granted.  That song spoke to me and told me to live my life while I can and to not hold back.  I’m sick. I know I’m sick.  I’ve been told that they don’t know how much longer I will be able to run competitively.  Doctors have told me they don’t know how I am up and doing everything I am doing because most people wouldn’t be able to.  And I know it keeps getting worse and I know my doctors have gotten to the point they don’t know what to do for me anymore.  The give me a 60% chance of growing out of it, and I like to believe that statistic because I don’t like to think that I will have to live this way for the rest of my life, continuing to get worse and lose feeling in my legs and pass out more.  I don’t want to think that is my future, and so I choose not to.  Even though I choose not to believe that is my future, I have to live like it is.  I have to take advantage of every moment I get and every opportunity that comes my way. I plan to run as long as I can and do everything everyone else does, no matter what the future holds.  That’s why “I Lived” is my life song.   I want to live my life in such a way that I can experience everything to its fullest and make a difference in other peoples lives.  I people to look at me and say, “If she can do it, so can I.”  So “I Lived” embodies where I am in my life at this time.  That’s how music can speak to us.  Everyone has a song ( or maybe multiple songs) that represents where they are in there life.  Everyone has that song that encourages them, and makes them think, and makes them continue to live life to the fullest.  So my friends, I challenge you to find your life song, and let it push you to do things you never imagine possible.

“I Lived”
Hope when you take that jump, you don't fear the fall
Hope when the water rises, you built a wall
Hope when the crowd screams out, they're screaming your name
Hope if everybody runs, you choose to stay
Hope that you fall in love, and it hurts so bad
The only way you can know is give it all you have
And I hope that you don't suffer but take the pain
Hope when the moment comes, you'll say
I, I did it all
I, I did it all
I owned every second that this world could give
I saw so many places, the things that I did
With every broken bone, I swear I lived
Hope that you spend your days, but they all add up
And when that sun goes down, hope you raise your cup
Oh, I wish that I could witness all your joy and all your pain
But until my moment comes, I'll say
I, I did it all
I, I did it all
I owned every second that this world could give
I saw so many places, the things that I did
With every broken bone, I swear I lived
Oh, oh, oh, oh
With every broken bone, I swear I lived
With every broken bone, I swear I
I, I did it all
I, I did it all
I owned every second that this world could give
I saw so many places, the things that I did
With every broken bone, I swear I lived
Oh, oh, oh, oh
I swear I lived, ohhh
I swear I lived, ohhh

Sunday, December 20, 2015

What Are Your Intentions?

So yesterday yet another friend of mine got engaged.  I believe this is the 5th one over the course of the last two months. I am so happy for them, just as I am happy for my other four friends.  When you watch your friends get engaged and you are single, it evokes many complicated feelings in you, and over the last few months, I have begun to realize those feelings are somewhat ridiculous.  This day in age there seem to be a lot of negative feelings associated with being single, and I’m not sure why.  When did being single become something to be ashamed of.  My Mom taught me from a young age that it was better to not be in a relationship than to be in a relationship with someone who isn’t good for you, just so you can say you are in a relationship.  In my opinion, it is better to prayerfully await your future husband/wife, than to just date a bunch of random people just so you are “dating.”  It is so important to prayerfully await a great man/woman to enter your life, then to date Mr (or Miss). Joe Cool who doesn’t help you thrive in Christ.  As a person, you need someone who will make you think and helps you grow in your relationship with God.  You have to have someone who is pursuing you for the right reasons and not just for a fling.  One way you can find out truly why someone is pursuing you is by asking.  When a guy or girl starts pursuing you simply ask them “What are your intentions?”  In my opinion, a couple moments of awkward can eliminate a lifetime of heartbreak.  So simply ask and observe and pursue people for the right reasons. 
            Then there is the issue with the animosity the world has associated with being single.  You guys know what I’m talking about… lonely cat lady, old maid, all of those lovely terms.  Almost every movie we watch involves some sort of love story or “infatuation story” where two people have to be together or are super depressed.  Our society is obsessed with love disguised as infatuation.  I am sure you have all seen it on tv or somewhere where a one night stand leads to “love.” I hate to break it to you guys, but that isn’t love, that is infatuation.  As much as I love Grey’s Anatomy, that show is famous for it.  Dr. McDreamy and Meredith, oh yeah textbook relationship based on infatuation.  This is why it is so important to draw close to God and pray for your future husband.  You don’t want to get caught in the infatuation triangle because someone was pursuing you for the wrong reasons and you didn’t know it.  So don’t get in a hurry to get in a relationship, and get in one for the wrong reasons.  And for those of you who think you are in the “friend zone,” personally, I believe there is no such thing as the friend zone.  Every good and God-centered relationship is based on a true and deep friendship.  So if you are single and feeling those single-person blues, stop feeling sorry for yourself.  It just isn’t your time yet.  It is better to be single and wait for someone who truly pursues you in a Godly fashion than to get caught up with a guy or girl who isn’t good for you. Wait for that person who makes you want to be a better person and feeds your love for God.  Wait for that person who loves you the way you deserve to be loved.  What I am here to say is there is nothing wrong with being single. Your time will come.  Just patiently and prayerfully wait for the person who pursues you in a Godly manor…and who knows, they could be sitting next to you right now.  And even if you do become a cat-lady, God will still use you….and frankly, cats are great company.  So have a great day my lovely friends and stay beautiful.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

1Corinthians 13:4-7

Thursday, December 17, 2015

When Friends Become Family

Well my friends…we meet again.
Is anyone else slightly concerned that the temperatures are hitting 77 degrees in December? It is completely ridiculous. As always, I digress.  So with this being the holiday season, (and finally being done with exams!) I have had a bit of time to give some thought to what I am thankful for.  Of course there are so many things to be thankful for in my life, but one thing that has really stuck out to me recently is the blessing of the friendships I have made within the last four months.  Over the past four months I have met some of the best friends I have ever had.  You see, in high school I didn’t have very many “friends” (I had a lot of acquaintances and every body knew me and talked to me, but I didn’t have many true friends).  Where I grew up, when you were new in the community you were “accepted”, but never truly accepted.  You were “accepted” into long standing friend groups, but they never treated you like they did the people they went to kindergarten with.  This caused a lot of problems with bullying and feeling a lot of peer pressure to fit in and be like everyone else.  So when I entered college, those were the kind of friendships I was use to (not being accepted and having to fit in so people wouldn’t make fun of you), but college has been completely different.  When I began school this year I met some of the most amazing people I have ever met.  They all come from different background, but they all have one thing in common.  They all love Jesus.  Just being around them and watching their actions you can tell that they are the hands and feet, and they are living out the gospel.  Reflecting back on how blessed I am to have met them, all I can think is, “What did I do to be so blessed as to meet these wonderful people?”  The friends I have made this year have been able to feed me both spiritually and physically (because frankly we all love to eat…especially cookout).  They love adventure and they love having fun.  They love worshiping Jesus and helping others.  All of these people have some of the biggest hearts I have ever met…they care about EVERYONE.  Since I have met them, they have caused me to grow in my faith and seek God more than ever. They have loved me for who I am and “adopted” me in to their long-standing friendships. I honestly do not know where I would be without them.  What’s ironic is how I met each one of them… I was soaking wet after cross country practice, had three slices of pizza, and just got a wild hair to go to talk to them…that’s how I met my family.  Yes my lovely readers, that’s right, I did call them my family. I believe God puts people in our lives for a reason.  Every single person we meet is placed in our life to fill a need and teach us something.  Sometimes we aren’t sure what God is doing when he puts people in our lives, but one thing we can be sure of is that God is using them to grow you.  So my friends I challenge you to reflect this holiday season on what you are thankful for, and I also challenge you to let your friends know just how much you love and appreciate them.  God has placed certain people in your life for a reason, and it is always interesting to figure that reason out…so keep yours eyes open and watch God blessing you through others (and maybe even blessing others through you).
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.”
John 15:13
“But Ruth replied, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.”
Ruth 1:16

To the Wonderful Young Men in my Life:

So since I talked to the girls yesterday, I wanted to write a letter to the wonderful young men in my life.  Although being a girl is tough, being a guy is tough too. SO…..

To the wonderful young men in my life:
You guys are great and I am so grateful to have you guys in my life.  You are wonderful human beings whom I love a lot.  You guys are basically my brothers, because let's be honest…you keep me straight half the time.  Well first things first, I wanted to tell you I’m sorry.  I’m sorry you are bombarded with temptation everyday.  I’m sorry society tells you that you have to do so many things that aren’t okay to be “hot” and to “get the girls.” I’m sorry the media portrays women to be sexual objects, which distorts the image of a healthy relationship in your head.  I’m sorry that people call you “gay” if you aren’t into sports or are into different things than what society depicts as typical manly activities.  I’m sorry that if you’re a jock, people make you feel like you can’t be smart or can’t do things like choir.  I’m sorry that people stereotype you almost as much as they do girls.  I’m sorry society makes you feel like you can’t show your emotions because it is viewed as “weak,” and I’m sorry you can’t be giving and loving without undergoing criticism. 
I pray for each one of you daily.  I pray God will lead you down the right paths and help you overcome the temptations of life.  I pray you will develop into a man who loves and peruses God with all your heart.  I pray God will put an amazing woman of God in your life that will support and love you just as much as you support and love her (and if she doesn’t, let me know so I can take care of it).  And above all, I pray you will achieve all your dreams and not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.  I pray you will be generous, kind, patient, and wise as you pursue life.
Lastly, I want to thank you.  I want to thank you for being the brothers I never had.  I want to thank you for Dad arming me when you have to stop quickly when I am riding in the car with you.  I want to thank you for always being there for me when I need something.  I want to thank you for helping me put oil in my car and teaching me how to play tennis (even though I was really bad at it).  I want to thank you for going out to eat with me (and occasionally paying) and for holding doors open for me.  I want to thank you for telling me when I look beautiful, but also telling me when I look like complete crap. I want to thank you for putting up with my fiftylevenbillion texts (I mean really who is actually afraid to double text??) and not killing me even when I am being super annoying and hyper. I want to thank you for putting up with me being overly emotional, easily offended, and sometime s extremely sassy. I want to thank you for having my back in every situation and for teaching me how a young woman should (and sometimes shouldn’t) be treated by a man.  Lastly, thank you for pursuing God, and thank you for loving me.

You’re the Best,