Thursday, January 7, 2016

Life and its Conglomeration of Crazy Interestingness

Life is interesting. I don't understand it, and I know I never will. People come and go in our life. Some people hurt us, and others help us heal. Some lead us on, and some are genuine in there actions. Life is confusing. 
Life is chaotic. We are always running back and fourth. We are always trying to get and assignment in on time or makenit to a meeting or rehersal on time. We are always moving in the fast lane toward our future.
Sometimes in this crazy, chaotic thing we like to call life we forget what matters. We forget to forge friendships and try to see the best in people. We forget to make changes in out lives, like cutting out hair or trying something new. We forget to tell people we love them amd have there backs. We ignore amazing peopl who are staring us right in the face because they don't fit our "mold" or we are to busy to truly begin to embrace them and their presence. And the biggest thing I think we forget is why we were put here on earth.
In our daily lives a relationship with God is si important. It is what will allow us to enjoy today and quite worrying about the future. Our relationship with God will allow us to see and try nee things, and meet new people and make new fri nds... But we have to make time for him. We have to make time to talk to not only talk to him, but to listen for him to speak tonus. Whether that is through quite time, reading your bible, or listening to christian music, you have to take that time. So my froends, I challenege you to begin to take that time to listen to God speak to you. Stay beautiful lovlies. 

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