Saturday, January 23, 2016

So Many Doors, but None are Open

Hello my lovely friends. I know it has been a while since we chatted, but this whole adjusting back to college thing has kicked my butt. Also, I've been trying to figure out what to say to you. Life has honestly been kicking my butt lately. It seems like everything piles up and it just feels like you're drowning. You know God has amazing plans for your life, but you are sitting at a stand still. Personally, lately it has felt like God has been leading me towards doors that were wide open, and as soon as I walk up to them they are slammed and locked in my face. Now I feel like I'm stuck in a hallway in front of a closed and locked door that God keeps pushing me towards, and I just don't get it. Why does God keep leading me toward closed doors, it's the most frustrating thing I have ever experienced. It's like God has this amazing plan, but I am blind and stuck in a waiting game. I always go back to John 13:7, "You don't know now what I'm doing, but someday you will." Yeah I'm confused and frustrated and honestly kind of want to scream... But God is still good. God is still doing what is best for me, and he is using this to teach me a lesson. I don't know what it is yet, but one day I will. God always puts people and situations in your life for a purpose, even though we don't know his reason most of the time. Thay is where faith comes in. We have to have faith that God is going to get us exactly where we need to be, exactly when we need to be there. So keep that faith and keep your head up, God is doing something big.

1 comment:

  1. My sweet overachiever, maybe God is teaching "patience" you will receive everything in his time.
