been such a long time since I have posted, it’s been quite a busy holiday
season. Well friends, today is page 365
in our 365 page book that we like to call 2015. Today is the last day to take
advantage of the resolutions and opportunities 2015 has had to offer. Although today is a last, tomorrow will be
the beginning of brand new opportunities’ and chances to make changes in our lives
in the coming year.
Well I just want to take a moment
today to reflect on 2015. In 2015 I
graduated high school and started college at a wonderful university. I lost many friends, but I also gained many
friends this year. I also lost my friend
Taylor, but this year she taught me so much about living life to the fullest
and what true friendship looks like.
This year I learned to value myself.
I learned that beauty is not determined by a number o the scale, and
intelligence isn’t shown by a GPA or a score on the SAT. I learned that God made me in his image, and
that makes me beautifully and wonderfully made.
This year I also realized I deserve more than crap, in the wise words of
Christina Yang, “If you want crappy things to stop happening to you, you need
to stop expecting crappy things to happen and demand better.” As a daughter of God, I deserve what God has
in store for me, which is better than I could ever imagine. 2015 taught me how to forgive people, no
matter how bad they have hurt me, and how my past does not have to determine my
future. The most important thing I
learned this year was, no matter what life throws at you, if you trust in God
everything will be okay in the end.
This year has also been full of so many
memories I will never forget. From
placing third in the conference in the mile, to graduating high school, to
being accepted to Carolina and receiving a full tuition scholarship to
Methodist. I have done things like run
in my first college cross country meet, to looking at Christmas lights at
midnight in the middle of finals week (sorry Mom). All of these memories have shaped and formed
me into the person I have become. I’ve
learned how to be a leader, I’ve learned how to love others, and I’ve learned
how to trust God.
God has also done amazing things in
my life in 2015. Not as much at the
beginning as he has toward the end.
Anyone who knows me knows I have really dove into my faith within the
last 4 months. He has really spoken to
me through the stories of Sarah and Abraham and Isaac. God has been working on helping me become his
hands and feet, and teaching me how to serve others with a joyful heart. God has blessed me and taught me with
wonderful friends who have helped me grow in my faith and helped me become hungry
for God and his purpose for my life.
As 2015 comes to an end, I have
been thinking about what I want in 2015, my goals some will say. So I think I will share them with you (and
maybe you will even help keep me accountable)….
Eat healthier, drink more water, and eat more
Go to bed earlier
Exercise at least 5 days a week
Clean out
Accomplish at least 5 bucket list items
Be more supportive and loving to my friends
Go out of my way to help people
Read my bible at least 4 days a week and do a
daily devotion (that will help me grow in my faith)
Don’t expect perfection form myself
10. Make
myself the right person
11. Love
12. Work
on my relationships with family members
13. Finish
Grey’s Anatomy (I know it’s a silly resolution)
14. Relearn
to play the piano and guitar
15. Knit
all my friends hats
16. Grow
in my relationship with Christ
17. Show
Christ in how I live my life
18. Run
13.1 miles
19. Become
more patient and forgiving
20. Write
a blog post twice a week
I know that is a lot of goals, but I hope to at least
accomplish the majority of these. Well
as we journey into 2016, I wish you all the best and hope you accomplish all
that you set your mind to. Stay
beautiful friends.